WATERWIND - "exploring waves with wings"
WAVES are the challenges in life. WINGS are the tools and skills we use to overcome them.
This website contains information about J. Craig Green, PE, a water rights consultant from Golden, Colorado (USA) and his LIFEPOWER philosophy. Links to Mr. Green's work for the Independence Institute (a Colorado free market think tank) are included on the JCGPE, Personal and Links pages.
Listed below are brief descriptions of key pages on this website. Click tabs (left) to see those pages.
J. Craig Green, PE (JCGPE)
J. Craig Green, PE is a professional engineer from Colorado, specializing in water rights consulting.
The JCGPE link contains a description of Mr. Green's consulting practice, including qualifications, experience, publications and links to other pages related to water resources engineering.
The LIFEPOWER philosophy of James Craig Green is a collection of essays written by Mr. Green outlining his personal philosophy of individual freedom, the relationship of the individual to society and the philosophy of knowledge.
The LIFEPOWER link begins with a summary page outlining the LIFEPOWER philosophy and contains links to all the LIFEPOWER pages. This page was selected by Free-Market.Net as the "Freedom Page of the Week" in October of 1997. A link to that award is provided on the LIFEPOWER main page.
While the LIFEPOWER philosophy emphasizes the ability of the individual to make choices governing his/her life, it also recognizes the importance of the social groups from which we come and upon which we depend.
One of the LIFEPOWER pages, an essay entitled, "ORIGIN OF CONFLICT and Spontaneous Creation of Justice," has been visited more than 100,000 times, though the page counter from the old website is no longer on the page. Most of the LIFEPOWER pages have been visted between 3000 and 5000 times, before this current website was built in January of 2003.
This page shows links to other websites not listed in the JCGPE or LIFEPOWER pages.
Links here include water resources, philosophy, free market ideas and other links of personal interest to Craig Green, including samples of his poetry.
Other pages on this site include a Personal page about Craig Green and Photos of some of his activities.
Craig Green may be contacted by email by clicking the Email tab at the upper right corner of this page. His address and phone number are on the JCGPE page.